Steamed dumpling


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Serve it with braised cabbage and steamed dumpling poured over with duck gravy.
Pork meat in a soft sauce of carrot, broccoli and cauliflower. Serve with dumplings or steamed dumpling.
Vegetarian Szeged goulash with tofu. Serve classically: with steamed dumplings.
Recipe for a vegetarian alternative of perkelt. Oyster mushroom is a rich source of natural vitamins and minerals, it contains vitamins B, D, C, K, but also proteins. Serve with steamed dumplings, pasta or dumplings.
Soft beef in a delicious sauce, served with steamed dumplings. You have to try it!
A leaner flitch is best for baking. Serve with a dumpling sprinkled with juice from the meat and steamed white cabbage.
Excellent classic recipe of Hungarian cuisine. Serve with steamed dumpling.
Tasty and not really expensive meal from cabbage and pork sausages, the homemade steamed dumpling is a great side dish.
Cream sauce of fine taste, full of mushrooms. Serve with rice or steamed dumplings.
The sauce is suitable with pasta. It is also very tasty with steamed dumplings.

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