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Recipe for small Christmas delicacies from puff pastry with delicate cream.
Crispy Christmas cookies in the shape of hedgehogs, filled with dried plums, dipped in chocolate and coated in coconut. Children will be very happy during the preparation, so have fun while baking. Thanks to the inserted plum, the hedgehogs are big ...
Durable walnut pastry filled with walnut and chocolate cream with chocolate poured on. Perfect Christmas pastry. No need to store it in the cold place.
Favorite rice pudding, this time with all the Christmas flavors.
Favourite and very tasty lentil soup with plums for Christmas table.
A simple Christmas soup that carries the taste of the popular sauerkraut, lentils and fresh mushrooms.
Christmas cabbage soup should be weaker and should fulfill the role of any appetizer before Christmas Eve Dinner. Even its cooked amount can tempt you for consumption of the full plate, consider that it is better on the next day when it rests for a ...
Home-made is the best. Eat it for breakfast through the year and with a cabbage soup on Christmas. Also known as Challah bread.
Tasty soup made from dried mushrooms for your Christmas table.
Sweet smelling, taste-balanced, conscientiously prepared ... simply-fantastic homemade punch, that traditionally belongs to Christmas.
Lots of great baking recipes and ideas for your Christmas time ;) welcome
Sweet leaven cake full of tasty ingredients. Tradition says that baked stollen should rest for minimum 14 days before consumption. It is said to lead to joining of flavours.... Our stollen is suitable for consumption straight after baking. It can rest ...

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